Why does everyone keep telling me “You Must do Pilates!

Rachel Brown -Personal Trainer & Nutrition

Are you a devotee of Pilates, like many of our clients, or have you yet to try it?
Here at the Rehab Rooms we offer a number of Pilates Classes throughout the week, from Rehab Pilates to Level 2 and we have many very happy clients. Some are recovering from an injury/surgery, others are top athletes and are ensuring they stay injury free and many are just keeping themselves in a happy, healthy body, that moves well. I recently read an excellent article in the Irish Times which explains some of the background to this form of exercise and explores who it is suitable for. Here is a link to the full article and below I will give a summary of what the article covers. Is Pilates really as good as everyone who does Pilates says it is? – The Irish Times

What is Pilates?

Pilates encourages a mind body connection, paying particular attention to how all movement stems from the core.
It can incorporate expensive equipment, but even just you on a mat will reap the benefits which are said to include

  • Improved muscle endurance & flexibility

  • A reduction in chronic pain

  • Lessened anxiety & depression

The above benefits have been researched widely and our feedback at the Rehab Rooms would back this up, time and time again.

Can anyone do Pilates?

The good news is YES! Pilates can be tailored to a wide spectrum of fitness goals, ages & abilities. Indeed I have had a class here at the Rehab Rooms that included an Ironman in his 50s, a teenage girl and a lady recovering from a hip operation. All working away very happily and all benefitting equally, albeit, each may have had a few small adaptations within their workout.

What can’t Pilates do?

It is not a cardio workout, but it will help you achieve a safer, stronger workout from whatever cardio exercise you chose to include in you week – your walk, run, cycle, dance, row etc.

How often should you do it?

As I always say, once a week is better than none! But of course, the more you practice, the faster the progress. It doesn’t always have to be an hour long class, so even picking a few of those exercises that you know are working on your body’s needs and doing them throughout the week, will reap rewards. The good news is, that if you really love it, you can practice Pilates pretty much as often as you like!

What Type of Pilates is best for you?

The experts agree it is best to start with one-on-one sessions, or in a small group class (such as those offered here at the Rehab Rooms). A number of our experienced clients join us online where they join a live class, with cameras on at home, where I can still give adaptations and offer that crucial encouragement as the core starts to tire!

Finding the right instructor is crucial?

Well you knew I was going to say that – but don’t just take my word for it!!! As explained in the article, instructor experience varies. Here at the Rehab Rooms, our instructors have extensive training and hands on experience. Our service is also unique in that the physio and instructor work together as the physio gives a detailed handover to the instructor and keeps them updated of any changes in the patients condition so that exercises in the class can be adapted.

Above all else we take great pride in offering a service to our clients which is individualised and caring. We genuinely want you to love how you feel after our classes here and are delighted to help you find the right class level that works for you.

If you have any further questions, or if you want to register your interest for our classes please get in touch by calling us on 01 430 5634 or emailing us at info@rehabrooms.ie

Best wishes




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