Our Classes
About our Classes
How does it work?
Our pilates classes run in 6-week blocks and cost 114 euro. We offer in-house classes or you can join a class live online where you will still be monitored by the instructor. If you miss a class during your block we’ll send you a recording so you can still get your class in at your leisure!
Our classes are designed by our personal trainer and physiotherapy team and are suitable for all levels of ability. Class sizes are kept small so you will get individual attention. Your technique will be checked throughout and the exercises will be tailored to your specific abilities and needs.
How do I book?
In order to register for a class or for more information please contact us at info@rehabrooms.ie or call us on 01 430 5634.
What’s involved?
The class starts at a level that is suitable for you and is progressed gradually. Your technique is checked throughout and the exercises are tailored to your ability and specific needs. Therefore, the classes are suitable whether you are starting to exercise after a break, returning from injury, maintaining fitness, or want to progress to the next stage of your fitness goals.
If you are a patient and you are being referred to the class by the physio to further improve your condition then we will send a referral to our instructor letting them know a bit of background on your injury/condition, what level we think would be best for you and any adaptations that need to be made to get the most of your class.
If you are not a patient give us a call and we can discuss prior to joining which level and class is right for you. One of our physios will do a screen over the phone so we can highlight any issues to the instructor beforehand. If you want any niggles checked or concerns addressed before the class then why not book a physio assessment before you join.
Class schedule
Tue 06.30 – 07.20 p.m. Mat Pilates – Level 1/Rehab
Tue 07.30 – 08.20 p.m. Mat Pilates– Level 2
Wed 09.30 – 10.20 a.m. Mat Pilates – Level 1/Rehab
Wed 10.30 - 11.20 am Mat Pilates – Level 2
Fri 09.30 – 10.20 a.m. Mat Pilates – Level 1/Rehab
To Register your interest in our Pilates classes, please complete the form below.